Friday was my official last day at CB Richard Ellis, where I have worked for 8 1/2 years! I will miss all of my co-workers so much. I also took Dalton with me to say my goodbyes.
Trav's mom Donna and his Aunt Betty from Pennsylvania are in town visiting you can tell, Ivan warmed up to Donna immediately. Dogs can recognize "dog people", I think.
He was getting frustrated cuz he is still too little to actually reach out and grab the toys in front of him so he is only content for about 5 minutes in this thing...much to Mom's dismay! ha
The adorable baptism outfit that he got baptized in when we went to Michigan. Notice the crosses on his waist area - too cute. Cousin Lauer got baptized with him and their outfits were was a wonderful day shared with all our friends and family!
Right after Dalton got baptized along with his cousin, Lauer. This is the church that my sister was baptized in, that we went to as kids and also where Melissa and Jason got married. A very special day shared with all our friends and family in Michigan. The "after party" at my parents' house was a good time too... I just LOVE the little hat from Grandma - it will eventually turn into a hanky that Dalton can present to his bride.
Auntie Terri bought these adorable swim trunks for the cousins...check out their expressions...Lauer is just relaxing and Dalton is...I don't really know WHAT that expression is?! ha
Literally...she couldn't keep her hands off of Dalton and he loved it! She's my aunt and his great aunt. But we've always known she is pretty great so no surprise there :0)
Julie hanging out with both of her cousins. She is actually my cousin but we'll call her "Auntie" from now on. Can't wait for her to visit us in Vegas in September!