Friday, December 4, 2009

Sour Puss

Me and Grandma B (hey- I made a rhyme) took Dalton with us shopping and stopped at Bob Evans restaurant for lunch. We were trying to feed him "adult" applesauce but apparently he wasn't too keen on it! haha

Hot Stuff

He thinks he is pretty cool sitting up at the table with me & Barb.

First Huntin' Hat

Papa Dick got Dalton his first hunting cap while out "shopping" with him and Travis. At the annual night-before-deer-hunting party, Trav & Dick both won $$$ so they are shopping as we speak for a Cricket rifle for Dalton. A little premature if you ask me, but once they make up their minds there is no stopping them.

Looks Good on Ya!

Cheezin with Papa Dick

Man Time

Christmas Gift from Grandma B & Papa Dick

Since we'll be in Michigan w/Dalton's other grandparents, Grandma B gave Dalton his gifts early.

Gotta Have a Cell Phone

Dalton loved his cell phone...will come in handy to call up all his hot chicks

Pennsylvania Thanksgiving - 2009

We flew out to Pennsylvania to spend Thankgiving with Papa Dick & Grandma B (Barb). We always have fun when Barb's kids join us too - son Tod with his wife Brandi and their boys Sebastian, Morgan & Colin and also at the table is Barb's mother, Jackie. Barb's daughter Cass joined us later for dessert with her kids Ethan, Olivia and twins Christian and Kate.

The Whole Fam-Damily

Babies & Their Jammies

Dalton loved hanging out with Barb's twin grandchildren, Christian & Kate. We put 'em in their jammies and let them loose! ha

The Morning After

Barb's daughter Cass and her twins, Christian and Kate, spent the night with us after Thanksgiving dinner. Barb & Dick have a fabulous furnished basement that we all congregated to.

The Cat That Ate the Canary Expression

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Couple of Faves

I just LOVE both of these pictures of Dalton taken back in early October when we were up in MI...I want to get the black & white one blown up and framed. Thanks again to Barb - who took the fabulous b/w pic at the Pumpkin Patch.

Ok, Ok, Ok....YES I Am Wearing a SNUGGIE!!!!

In my defense, it is acutally a "Slanket", which is the higher-class version of the tv Snuggie. It is actually the original one made by a college student that just never got his patent on the product before the tv Snuggie came out and stole his idea. My guess is that he was in his dorm room, smoking a doobie, eating cookie dough & pizza....all wrapped up in his Slanket. The fabric is better and of course the sexy leopard print is what sold me. tee hee My hubby says, "You have officially sunk to a new low..."

Snuggie-Lovin' with My Baby

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Riding with Daddy

This is another thing that Misty gave us. Dalton is too little to vroom vroom around on his own but Daddy gave him a hand and he loved it!

Toys, Toys and MORE Toys!

He loves to sit on the floor in the living room and just go from toy to toy. We lucked out because our friends Misty & Vern have been giving us tons of things that their boys outgrew.

Growing Like a Weed

I've been taking pictures every so often of him in his high chair so I can see how big he is getting. I can't believe how fast he is growing...makes me sad...

Hot Stuff

Dalton thinks he's the you-know-what when we stand him up in his crib. Why - I don't know, especially since he will be doing it on his own soon enough. Guess I shouldn't encourage this behavior?!

Future UFC Fighters

This was taken at my parents' place in MI earlier this month. Lauer seems to have the upper hand and is enjoying himself. Dalton...not so much. ha

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dalton's First Halloween!

We put Dalton in his monkey suit (literally) and joined our next door neighbors for a stroll around the neighborhood. The weather was perfect - just barely chilly enough for a light jacket. We didn't collect candy for him though cuz I know I would have eaten it all!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Adventures in The Yoop

Sorry it's been so long to post, me & Dalton have been doing some traveling. We flew up to the Upper Peninsula in Michigan (a.k.a The Yoop) to visit all my family and we were having such a great time that we extended our vacation to 3 weeks. I think my hubby wondered if we were coming back! ha I finally got around to posting now that we are back in Vegas and settled into our normal routine.

As Dalton and Lauer get older (7 mos/6 mos at the time) we have such a blast letting them play together and seeing how they interact with each other. We did alot during our vacation to include visiting Colleen's farm, hitting the Pumpkin Patch (pics coming soon), their 1st professional photo shoot together at Walmart (hey- that's an event in itself) and most importantly - we got to have some serious quality visiting with everyone. We had such a great time that we are going back in December again and will have Travis meet us there for Christmas. We are so thrilled to all be able to be TOGETHER for the holidays and can't wait to torture the boys with more outfits and photo shoots!

We Are Fa-mi-ly!

Barnyard Adventures

Me, Melissa, Mom and the boys were invited to Colleen's farm to check out all the animals and take some pics. The boys seemed to really enjoy seeing/petting the horses but were a bit unsure of the cows. Thanks to Colleen and her boys for the grand tour (that's Stevie in the pic)!

Lowie, Mom & Seester

"Horsing Around" with Grandma

Ha Ha Corny but I couldn't resist

The Littlest Horse Whisperer

Not Too Sure About This Horse...

Okay, I'll Pet Him

That Cow is Munching My Shoe!

No One Here But Us Chickens

Dogs Galore!

My sister's 3 dogs - 1 German short-haired pointer mix and 2 bullmastiffs

Our Handsome Little Boys

I just want to eat 'em up!!

My Favorite!


Jungle Boys

We took the cousins out for some Halloween pictures which I'm sure they will hate us for down the road...but they look soooooo adorable and did so good at the photo shoot.